Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Occupational Therapy
Guest speaker: Dr. Hemant Nandgaonkar

Dr. Hemant
Dr. Hemant Nandgaonkar,M.Sc. (O.T.) explained the members what Occupational Therapy (O. T.) is all about.
Many people have heard about occupational therapy, "O.T." as it is called, but they often don't have exact idea of O.T.
What Is Occupational Therapy?... Technically, it is defined by the American Occupational Therapy Association executive board (1976) as: "The therapeutic use of work, self-care, and play activities to increase development and prevent disability. It may include adaptation of task or environment to achieve maximum independence and to enhance the quality of life."
It focuses on the word "occupation", and the dictionary definition of occupation is, "that which chiefly engages one's time, trade, profession, or business."
One's occupation can therefore be defined as the way in which we occupy our time. Thus, our time is divided into three categories of activities in which we take part daily:
· SELF-CARE: sleeping, eating, grooming, dressing, and toileting
· WORK: effort that is exerted to do or make something, or perform a task
· LEISURE: free, unoccupied time in which one chooses to do something they enjoy (i.e., hobby, tv, socializing, sports, "chill out", read, write, listen to music, travel, etc.) If you read these very carefully, you will see that ANY task or use of our time during the day fits into one of these three categories.
Thus the meaning of the term "occupation". It IS how we spend our time; whether paid or unpaid, restful or fun, obligation or choice and that which fulfills us, gives us purpose, and allows us to interact with, be productive, and function in the world around us to the best of our ability.
Here is where the "therapy" comes in. If, at any point in our lives (whether present at birth or onset at a later time), illness, injury or disability prevents us from effectively or independently functioning in one or more "occupational" areas, then it is the job of Occupational Therapy to provide intervention which will help you regain function, maintain level of functioning, or make accommodations for any deficits you may be experiencing.
It is the job of an Occupational Therapist to figure out which areas are suffering and how he can assist that person in performing these activities in a more functional, successful and independent way.
He also explained how it is different than the Physical Therapy (P.T.).
Generally, Physical Therapists do exercises purely for exercise's sake to increase strength, range of motion, and particular body and muscle movements for the eventual outcome of increased function and mobility.
Occupational Therapy has the same goal in mind (increasing function and independence) in regards to physical disabilities and limitations, and they may use repetitive exercises, but most often they use them in the context of a "functional activity". This refers to performing meaningful activities while simultaneously working on increasing function and mobility.

Thereafter, he explained in detail SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER which is his speciality.
Here is an image from one of the pamplets distributed by Dr. Hemant Nandgaonkar that explains it.
We believe that members enjoyed the session and were now better equipped to know what is O.T.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
OCV 2007-08
The Official Club Visit (OCV) of the District Governor (DG) Rtn. Dr. Ulhas Kolhatkar to Rotary Club of Bombay Mulund East began with a closed door meeting with President Rtn. Mahesh Payannawar, Secretary Rtn. Dr.Vinay Kulkarni and President-Elect Rtn. Sudhir Hanmante held between 05.30 pm ad 06.30 pm.
The DG held a Club Assembly with the members of the club from 06.45 to 07.30pm. He wanted to listen to completed projects and further plans from the directors and members. The DG congratulated the club with the way accounts were kept. What he wished that for a stuture of a club like ours there is a need to increase the membership. When a Dombivli club, started in the same year as ours, can make it 100+ why not ours....a point to ponder on! DG also made it clear that we badly need to do something in the International service.
After the CA he had a brief discussion with partners-in -service, the Rotaractor Club of V.P.M. college and Senoir Citizens Club of Mulund East.
He was particularly amazed to know that our Senior Citizen Club is 2400+ strong. He however, wished that our family (of partner-in-service) be completed by adding RCC and our own InnerWheel Club. Any takers?
The regular meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Mahesh at 08.00 p.m. sharp.
Breaking away from the protocol, Rtn. Mahesh decided to induct a new member Nilesh Chowdhary at the beginning of the meeting as he (Nilesh) wanted to leave early.
(Nilesh with his wife)
Rtn. Mahesh summed up the discussuions with the DG and thanked the DG for his guidance and valuable suggestions.
AG Rtn. Pramod Pandit, who had earlier visited our club for a club assembly, praised the projects like Dhoom and Mulund-Shree which gives a lot of publicity to our club.
Area Co-ordinator Rtn. Viren introduced DG Dr. Ulhas.
As usual DG Dr. Ulhas's speech is a something that draws people to meetings and here also he showed his prowess by mingling his sppech with many anecdotes, modern and ancient;sanskrit subhashitas and what not! We wish to give some glimpses from his address which , we hope, you will love it.
Rtn. Depak announced 20th January 2008 as the date of DHOOM 2008.
The DG officially inaugurated our star project by traditional breaking of a coconut.
Pesident Mahesh lighted the lamp and agarbatties and the project was thrown open for sponsorship.
Secretary Rtn. Vinay seen making secretatial announcements ( below):

The meeting was followed by happy hours and dinner.......
(Dr. Hemant Nandgaonkar (on left, in maroon colour shirt), a prospective member seen with newly inducted member,Rtn. Nilesh)
(R/Anns seen slightly tensed....probably they had to miss dandiy & Garba)
You can see a video clip of ras-garba here:
President Mahesh must be a relieved man today after having a satisfying OCV.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Club Assembly for OCV-II

AG Rtn. Dr. Pramod Pandit was happy with the preparedness of the club and offered his valuable suggestions. He particularly suggested to coincide few of our events with the ensuing Rotary Clubs Challenge Week (10th to 16th Dec). Area co-ordinator Rtn. Viren also attended the CA.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Debate- Is Politics inevitable in Rotary?
Anti view: Jagdish Khanna (Team Leader), Suresh Rathod and Madhu Devdhar
DG Dr. Ulhas, in his implacable manner as usual, provided the perfect opening by giving a key note address.
The PDGs declared in the beginning only that they had taken a particular stand only for the sake of argument.
Argument and counter-argument, a game well played by the argumentative Indians, was worth witnessing it.
Here's PDG Rtn. Suresh Rathod:
And, a fire-brand Madhu Devdhar:
PDG Rtn. Jagdish Khanna
At the end, however, everybody agreed that there should not be any politics in Rotary.
Well said PDGs!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Club Assembly- Preparation for OCV
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Teacher's Felicitation
Felicitation of teachers on account of Teacher's Day has always been a special event for Rotary Club of Bombay Mulund East. The event is a major project for our club and since last few years the event is conducted as a joint programme of Rotary Clubs of Mulund with our club as a lead club.
This year also more than 85 teachers from the schools and jr. colleges from Mulund were felicited for the excellent services rendered by them in shaping the future of children/students of Mulund.
Dr.Mrs.Dange, Retired Head of Sanskrit dept , Mumbai University and Presidential Award winner 2005, was the Chief Guest at the function.
The entire album of the photos of the function can be found at :
Friday, September 07, 2007
As you know that "Women Empowerment" is a district thrust area and our club decided to make a suitable beginning by inviting a Rotarian couple to talk on the related subject.
Rtn. Adv. Pradhyumna Mokashi and R/Ann Shyamala chose to speak on Protection of rights of women in India.

Thursday, August 30, 2007
A visit to Budapest

Rtn. Sudhir Hanmante recently went to Budapest,Hungary on a business trip and today i.e. on 30th August 2007 he delighted all of us with audio-visual presentation of his visit.
He started his exposition right from his visit to Hungarian consulate in Delhi for getting a visa. He gave us detailed tips of what should be done while visiting a country where there are very few people who understand English. He said that you have to depend more on body language; however, when it came to understanding electronics, for which he had gone, it was really difficult to depend only on body language.
Rtn. Sudhir gave a detailed historical , geographical and cultural exposition of city of Budapest. He took us on a virtual trip to Budapest by showing photographs of interesting things (places and people) of Budapest.
PP Rtn. Shanti gave Rotary Information on membership.
PP Rtn. Balwant Ranade presided over the meeting as President Mahesh was tied up at his office.
Podcast of this meeting can be found at:http://rotarymulundeast.mypodcast.com/index.html .
Friday, August 24, 2007
Good Health Thru Naturopathy
Dr. Chaphekar, M.D. (Mum) in Naturopathy spoke on GOOD HEALTH in this weekly meeting.
According to Dr. Chaphekar, persons who do not enjoy sound health is due to :
- Wrong diet
- No excercise
- No rest
- No meditaion
Therefore, for a good health one need to pay attention to the above four factors.
Regarding diet, he advised to have sprouted beans, lemon juice for breakfast. For lunch he advised to have chapattis ,salad/boiled veg whereas for dinner he said it was best to avoid anything white (e.g. rice,milk,curd,etc.).
He gave advised on the remaining factors also. I wish more Rotarians were present to listen to Dr. Chaphekar.
Dr. Chaphekar being introduced by PP Rtn. Navin (not seen in the photo)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Independence Day

Those who could not come to Kolivali can now watch flag hoisting by President Rtn. Mahesh at the adopted Zilla Parishad Primary School ,Kolivali. You can watch it or download it from the folowing url:
Have a nice time till we meet again on 23rd August 2007.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Membership & Extension
Saturday, August 04, 2007
International Travel, meeting dt. 2nd August 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Weekly Meeting Update dated 26th July 2007
Kailash Mantry is a Chartered Accountant by profession but has many interests that's transcend many fields of life.Whatever walk of life you are into, the modern way or to say the "Third Wave" of technological innovation has put man in to a bind :Stress.

Stress,can be seen as anxiety,fear....
..anticipation of danger,fear that is bothering your belief system.
Kailash gave a crisp presentation on Stress and it's management

He said that stress is felt when you are not able to cope a situation/s and unable to handle the situations well.
He stressed that it is you who alone can destressed yourself.
The presentation was lively and interactive.
Rotarians and Rotary Anns enjoyed
the presentation.
The presentation was followed by a dinner.
For more resources on Stress Management powerpoint presentation you can visit :
http://www.csupomona.edu/~jvgrizzell/kin370/PPT-TOC.html .
See video clips of the presentation below:
Friday, July 20, 2007
Weekly meeting update-19th July,2007
19th July, 2007

Presentation and approval of the Club budget
In the accompanied photo from Left to Right
PP Rtn. Shanti Malde,President Mahesh and PP Ajay
You may be wondering what Shanti and Ajay are doing there with Mahesh!
Shanti presented budget (as treasurer) and Ajay officiating as (Joint) Secretary in absence of regular Secretary Vinay.
All said and done see how president has to do many things by himself !

Probably making sets of the club budget! By this time he knows that he will have to do many things by himself. See, smile on his face....he has accepted this truth and hence doing it all alone.
The budget file will be posted on our club Yahoo group soon.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Weekly Meeting dated 12th July 2007
Rakesh Fotedar and his team from M/s. Fortpoint Automobiles gave a power-point presentation of “Car Care”.
Like habit of some people in switching off engine of a car….which may be dangerous in case of MPF cars….
…like breaks not being applied in case of ABS breaks if power is switched off…..
Mr. Rakesh has agreed to give a CD of the presentation to our memebrs….
But my friends, there are many tips which we can’t put it in this media….that you could have got only by attending the meeting.
We are making every efforts to let you know about our forthcoming meetings by multi-media sources….here I mean by various sources like printed monthly bulletin, emails,SMSes, and personal phone calls….
So, see you at the next meeting…
Monday, July 09, 2007
Installation of Rtn. Mahesh as President

Rtn. Mahesh was installed as President of Rotary Club of Bombay Mulund East at a glittering function held at Ceremonial Hall,Yogi Hills, Mulund (West) on 8th July 2007.

Rtn. T.V.Holay, the out-going President seen handing over the club charter to Rtn. Mahesh.

New Board of Directors

Newly inducted members

Mahesh and the club started it's account of awards right at the installation!
Rtn. Mahesh seen here accepting one such award at the hands of PDG (CDG and Dipak's "MDG") Rtn. Rahul Timbadia.
More Pictures...