Rtn. Sudhir Hanmante recently went to Budapest,Hungary on a business trip and today i.e. on 30th August 2007 he delighted all of us with audio-visual presentation of his visit.
He started his exposition right from his visit to Hungarian consulate in Delhi for getting a visa. He gave us detailed tips of what should be done while visiting a country where there are very few people who understand English. He said that you have to depend more on body language; however, when it came to understanding electronics, for which he had gone, it was really difficult to depend only on body language.
Rtn. Sudhir gave a detailed historical , geographical and cultural exposition of city of Budapest. He took us on a virtual trip to Budapest by showing photographs of interesting things (places and people) of Budapest.
PP Rtn. Shanti gave Rotary Information on membership.
PP Rtn. Balwant Ranade presided over the meeting as President Mahesh was tied up at his office.
Podcast of this meeting can be found at:http://rotarymulundeast.mypodcast.com/index.html .
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