weekly meeting dt. 6th September 2007
As you know that "Women Empowerment" is a district thrust area and our club decided to make a suitable beginning by inviting a Rotarian couple to talk on the related subject.
Rtn. Adv. Pradhyumna Mokashi and R/Ann Shyamala chose to speak on Protection of rights of women in India.
R/Ann Adv. Shyamala Mokashi and Rtn. Adv. Pradhyumna Mokashi spoke on various rights & recources available under Indian legal system to women.

R/Ann Shyamala spoke on the various provisions made to protect interest of women under the Hindu Law, the Hindu Succession Act, Indian Penal Code, 1860 etc.
Rtn. Pradyumna Mokashi explained the constituitional provisions as provided by articles enshrined to give equal ( and special in some cases) status to women in the Indian Constituition.
This was the first meeting in the hall / space designated especially for our club by Mulund Gymkhana.
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