Club Assembly
dt. 12th Oct 2007
Our Asstt. Governor Shankar is away in the UK. The Asstt. Governor Rtn. Pramod Pandit from Deonar club was also out of India. Our DG was keen on conducting CA by an AG but could not do so. However, when Rtn. Pramod Pandit was back in Mumbai, our DG insisted that he should conduct the CA for our club.

Thus we had a CA for the second time. Again Rtn. Shanti did the honours of representing the club. Rtn. Shanti and the directors elaborated on the projects undertaken by the club, completed as well as those which the club intends to do.
AG Rtn. Dr. Pramod Pandit was happy with the preparedness of the club and offered his valuable suggestions. He particularly suggested to coincide few of our events with the ensuing Rotary Clubs Challenge Week (10th to 16th Dec). Area co-ordinator Rtn. Viren also attended the CA.
PP Rtn. Ajay proposed the vote of thanks.
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