OCV (Official Club Visit) by Dr. Ulhas
on 18th October 2007
at Ceremonial Hall,Spananagari,Mulund (West)
The Official Club Visit (OCV) of the District Governor (DG) Rtn. Dr. Ulhas Kolhatkar to Rotary Club of Bombay Mulund East began with a closed door meeting with President Rtn. Mahesh Payannawar, Secretary Rtn. Dr.Vinay Kulkarni and President-Elect Rtn. Sudhir Hanmante held between 05.30 pm ad 06.30 pm.
The DG held a Club Assembly with the members of the club from 06.45 to 07.30pm. He wanted to listen to completed projects and further plans from the directors and members. The DG congratulated the club with the way accounts were kept. What he wished that for a stuture of a club like ours there is a need to increase the membership. When a Dombivli club, started in the same year as ours, can make it 100+ why not ours....a point to ponder on! DG also made it clear that we badly need to do something in the International service.
After the CA he had a brief discussion with partners-in -service, the Rotaractor Club of V.P.M. college and Senoir Citizens Club of Mulund East.
He was particularly amazed to know that our Senior Citizen Club is 2400+ strong. He however, wished that our family (of partner-in-service) be completed by adding RCC and our own InnerWheel Club. Any takers?
The regular meeting was called to order by President Rtn. Mahesh at 08.00 p.m. sharp.
Breaking away from the protocol, Rtn. Mahesh decided to induct a new member Nilesh Chowdhary at the beginning of the meeting as he (Nilesh) wanted to leave early.
(Nilesh with his wife)
(Nilesh being inducted by the DG)
Rtn. Mahesh summed up the discussuions with the DG and thanked the DG for his guidance and valuable suggestions.
AG Rtn. Pramod Pandit, who had earlier visited our club for a club assembly, praised the projects like Dhoom and Mulund-Shree which gives a lot of publicity to our club.
Area Co-ordinator Rtn. Viren introduced DG Dr. Ulhas.
DG in his address congratulated the club and said that life suggests growth and our club badly needed growth. He offerred many suggestions including one of having a luncheon meeting with respected members of the community where they can be told about Rotary. He praised the club President Mahesh about his leadership qualities and also for making a SWOT analysis of the club.
As usual DG Dr. Ulhas's speech is a something that draws people to meetings and here also he showed his prowess by mingling his sppech with many anecdotes, modern and ancient;sanskrit subhashitas and what not! We wish to give some glimpses from his address which , we hope, you will love it.
Rtn. Depak announced 20th January 2008 as the date of DHOOM 2008.
The DG officially inaugurated our star project by traditional breaking of a coconut.
Pesident Mahesh lighted the lamp and agarbatties and the project was thrown open for sponsorship.
PE Rtn. Sudhir proposed a vote of thanks.
Secretary Rtn. Vinay seen making secretatial announcements ( below):

The meeting was followed by happy hours and dinner.......
(Dr. Hemant Nandgaonkar (on left, in maroon colour shirt), a prospective member seen with newly inducted member,Rtn. Nilesh)
However, that was not the end of the meeting.......
(R/Anns seen slightly tensed....probably they had to miss dandiy & Garba)
....R/Anns spontaneously arranged ras-garba and members enjoyed playing it.
You can see a video clip of ras-garba here:
I am sure R/Anns might have salvaged some regret for not been able to go out to play dandia!
President Mahesh must be a relieved man today after having a satisfying OCV.
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