"Car Care"
Rakesh Fotedar and his team from M/s. Fortpoint Automobiles gave a power-point presentation of “Car Care”.
Like habit of some people in switching off engine of a car….which may be dangerous in case of MPF cars….
…like breaks not being applied in case of ABS breaks if power is switched off…..
Mr. Rakesh has agreed to give a CD of the presentation to our memebrs….
But my friends, there are many tips which we can’t put it in this media….that you could have got only by attending the meeting.
We are making every efforts to let you know about our forthcoming meetings by multi-media sources….here I mean by various sources like printed monthly bulletin, emails,SMSes, and personal phone calls….
We will be posting snippets of the meetings on our site also. But believe me, fun lies in attending weekly meetings…
…and if you want more fun you can join us for Extended meetings also…
So, see you at the next meeting…
So, see you at the next meeting…
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