Kailash Mantry is a Chartered Accountant by profession but has many interests that's transcend many fields of life.Whatever walk of life you are into, the modern way or to say the "Third Wave" of technological innovation has put man in to a bind :Stress.

Stress,can be seen as anxiety,fear....
..anticipation of danger,fear that is bothering your belief system.
Kailash gave a crisp presentation on Stress and it's management

He said that stress is felt when you are not able to cope a situation/s and unable to handle the situations well.
He stressed that it is you who alone can destressed yourself.
The presentation was lively and interactive.
Rotarians and Rotary Anns enjoyed
the presentation.
The presentation was followed by a dinner.
For more resources on Stress Management powerpoint presentation you can visit :
http://www.csupomona.edu/~jvgrizzell/kin370/PPT-TOC.html .
See video clips of the presentation below:
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