Our guest speaker, Dr. Ashok Sanghvi, is a distinguished management guru and Founder & Managing Director,Axiom Management Consultants Pvt.Ltd.,Mumbai.
We present below a summary of his speech delivered at Rotary Club of Bombay Mulund East, on 7th August, 2008.
Everybody wants to be a successful person. Mulesh Ambani and Narayan Murthy are the business leader who are emulated the most today. People are,in the process, trying to achieve their goals and are successful to varying extent.
The difference between a grand sucess and an ordinary success is networking.
Networking,as we know, is meaningful engagement with other persons, in an activity to achieve some goal.
Networking is of three kinds :
1. Operational - networking with people at your job; it's more or less given and not much can be done in choosing the partners here....however, trusting other partners at work plays important role in getting work done.
2. Personal - networking in a professional, social organisations like Rotary clubs, Toastmasters, and similar professional bodies. You need to devote a lot of time.
3. Strategic - very important, deliberate networking for use in the future...right now you may don't have a need but cultivating contacts that can be used in futue. Many big companies seen doing this like sending gifts to senior officers who are likely to be MDs or CEOs in next4 to 5 years; companies pay donations to political parties even if that party is not in power today.
He gave a six point program towards working on developing network for your future need :
# 1. Just do it - jot down all your contacts; how big is the list of your contacts? Bigger the better. Categorise all your contacts in to persons you talk or meet once in a week, once in a month, and once in a quarter. If you are not doing (calling up or meeting) you better start doing it now.
# 2. Change your mindset - do not have a preconceived mind;everybody has got strong points, highlight them and avoid critising.
# 3. Work from outside in - find out what others want,what are their needs. what they like.
# 4. Re-allocate your time - delegate much of your work that can be done by others.
# 5. Ask and you shall get - go and ask whatever you don't know, afterall you are not suppose to know everything from the universe ! People are ready to help you.
# 6. Stick to it - make a plan for 5 to 6 years; see what are your needs, whom would you require to work for you, take a proactive step to connect to him/her even if he/she is not needed now; that's a strategic planning.